August 19, 2020

How is Reducing the Price of a Home Viewed by Buyers, Sellers and Agents?

The seller might not budge; the buyer might walk away; a slew of offers and counter-offers leading to a collapse; or, after all is said and done, a contract gets signed. Sometimes that desired result comes after the seller lowers the price of the property.

August 17, 2020

Do HOA Dues Make it More Difficult to Sell?

Where some owners take the hit themselves, others benefit from sharing the responsibility with a homeowner's association (HOA). Yet this benefit, also, involves a recurring expenditure.

August 03, 2020

The Fees You Will Pay When Buying a Home

Even those who do not own a home are hip to the fact that buying a house costs more than the home values alone. Even a purchaser who pays all cash must compensate other parties to the transaction.

August 01, 2020

Fees You Pay When Selling Your Home

When most people think of fees and charges relative to a home sale, they are thinking of monies a buyer has to bring to closing. Title fees, lender fees, attorney bills and appraisal charges come to mind immediately.

July 30, 2020

Should I Drop My Price or Offer Allowances?

Allowances are credits the seller advances to the purchaser that are applied against the sales price. This reduces what the buyer must pony up without changing the sales price.

July 28, 2020

PMI: Why is it Needed and When is it Used

Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, is in essence just like other forms of surety. The insurance company agrees to cover the risk to the lender if the borrower stops making monthly payments.

July 26, 2020

Building Your Dream Home: Part 6 - Managing the Build

Meticulous planning of a home-building project is necessary. That, however, is not the end of the matter. Property owners have a larger stake than others in terms of how the construction plays out.

July 24, 2020

Building Your Dream Home: Part 5 - Planning Your Build

Many people spend years envisioning and imagining the ideal house. Only a fraction of those actually pursue that vision and make it happen. Why? Much goes into this kind of project: money, time, emotion etc.

July 22, 2020

Building Your Dream Home: Part 4 - Paying for Land and Construction

Buying a house can be stressful enough. Buying land on which to build a house has its own many challenges. Yet these should not inhibit anyone who has the means to pursue a dream…and a little piece of earth to make it all happen.