May 14, 2020

How Do Real Estate Agent Matching Sites Work?

The first asset an agent matching site offers is an abundant pool of real estate agents, each possessing unique experiences in terms of sales prices, repair contingencies, clientele and contractual terms.

May 09, 2020

How Has the Pandemic Affected Mortgage Rates?

To prevent commerce from crumbling altogether, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System lowered its benchmark lending rate effectively to zero. Given the current state of the economy, however, this action may just jump-start the mortgage business with new applications.

May 07, 2020

What Personal Information is Required When I Apply for a Mortgage? is safe to say that most of us do not like sharing personal information if we can help it. Yet for a mortgage lender to extend large amounts of cash to new applicants, it must learn a few things about their trustworthiness and overall reliability.

May 05, 2020

What is Mortgage Insurance and When is it Required?

What Does Mortgage Insurance Cover? Essentially, this type of insurance protects a lender against borrower default. That is, the insurance company will recompense the bank or finance company if the borrower stops making monthly payments.

May 03, 2020

Lending Terms for the First Time Home Buyer

Unless independently wealthy, first-time home buyers need to borrow money from a bank or finance company. This involves reams of paperwork, the surrender of financial privacy -- to a degree -- and a lot of waiting.

May 01, 2020

Real Estate Terms for the First Time Home Buyer

You want to purchase a home but the idea scares you. Key to reducing stress and anxiety in acquiring property for the very first time is to become conversant in the language of real estate. Only then can you ask the right questions to avoid pitfalls.

April 25, 2020

How Do VA Loans Work and Who Qualifies?

Even before the United States became a country, care for veterans of war has always been a priority. The Plymouth Colony settlers, for example decreed that the colony had a responsibility to those injured in battles with indigenous peoples.

April 23, 2020

What Is an FHA Loan and How Do I Qualify?

The American Dream is based on property ownership. Yet those who aspire to it are often stymied by the roadblocks imposed by banks and finance companies. Particularly in the case of first-time home buyers, conventional loan products can be severe in their approval requirements

April 14, 2020

Tax Benefits of Buying and Owning a Home

Taxation policies of the federal, state and local governments can shower favorable effects on home purchasers and owners throughout the duration of habitation.