February 03, 2023

Purchasing & Developing Land - Part 4 - Zoning & Permitting for Development

Having bought and assumed ownership of a raw land lot (or lots), the new owner faces the challenge posed by local rules and regulations. Ideally, this comes as no surprise and the owner is prepared to do what is necessary to bring the property into legal compliance.

January 31, 2023

Purchasing & Developing Land - Part 3 - How to Pay For It

Having identified a parcel of vacant land -- and negotiated a purchase contract with the seller -- the investor in raw land is now at the point where financing becomes the issue.

January 29, 2023

Purchasing & Developing Land - Part 2 - The Process of Purchasing Land

In the first installment of this series, we looked at the advantages of raw land as an investment as well as the ways an investor might go about locating such parcels. Once a suitable piece of vacant land becomes available, a prospective buyer must then determine what price is worth the acquisition.

January 24, 2023

Purchasing & Developing Land - Part 1 - Finding Land to Purchase

Acquiring raw land for income purposes may not be the most glamorous area of real estate investment but -- for the discerning and dedicated -- it can be a lucrative one, nevertheless.

January 17, 2023

Should You Sell Your Investment Property This Spring?

If you are a real estate investment property owner, you should have a professional analysis performed each year.

December 06, 2022

Key Issues That Affect the Real Estate Market

Buying and selling property is a big event for those gaining the asset and for those making money on the deal. Yet it is another day at the office for realtors, lenders, attorneys and title agencies. Still, the way these transactions go down goes well beyond the immediate participants.

November 29, 2022

Investing In Affordable Housing - Part 3 - Tenant Relations

In parts one and two of this series on affordable housing, we discovered that landlords could create a lucrative business when opening units up to low-income tenants. We further explored what sort of accountability those property owners assumed with the local housing authority.

November 25, 2022

Investing in Affordable Housing - Part 2 - Accountability to Housing Authority

In the previous installment, readers discovered that there are profits to be realized when investing in properties with affordable housing units. In addition, landlords who do so are providing a service to the community.

November 22, 2022

Investing In Affordable Housing - Part 1 - Profitability

As a rule of thumb, investors in rental properties look for tenants who pay rent consistently and have the pockets to pay decently. This assures steady income and financial security. Yet there is a segment of the population that also represents profitability even though they have few funds to spare.