November 04, 2021

Understanding the Mortgage Market: Lender Types

Why is it that a home loan applicant is politely shown the door by a branch of a national bank yet is approved for the same amount of money by another lender? The answer is that lending institutions are not all created in the same image.

October 11, 2021

What is a Correspondent Lender and How Does Using One Impact My Loan?

Home buyers and owners have the challenge of acquiring and managing what will likely be the most expensive asset they will ever own. An intelligent approach to this involves careful monitoring of cash flow and an accurate assessment of home value.

September 20, 2021

Will Home Values Hold?

For most people, buying a house is the biggest investment they will ever make. The worth of the property, therefore, is of great importance throughout the duration of the owner's dwelling because the financial return on investment will come at re-sale.

September 18, 2021

What You Need to Know about Flood Zones

In September of 2021, Hurricane Ida struck the Gulf Coast in normal hurricane fashion, inflicting wind damage, causing power outages and dumping a lot of water. Yet the flooding was not confined to Louisiana and Mississippi.

April 05, 2021

Tips for Navigating the Current Mortgage Market

Although the real estate market was not immune from the effects of business shutdowns and curtailments in 2020, neither was it hobbled: unprecedented low mortgage rates; strong millennial demand; and the flight from city to suburbs hastened buying and selling in America.

March 17, 2021

The Latest Trends in Outdoor Spaces

In 2010, the Harvard University Medical School published five benefits that come with spending time out of doors. They were: an uptick in vitamin D levels; an increase in physical activity; an elevation of mood; improvement in concentration; and an acceleration of healing of illness or injury.

March 15, 2021

The Convergence of COVID & Touchless Design for the Home

After a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, public attitudes toward viral and bacterial infections have been altered forever.

March 11, 2021

Finding a Builder for Your Accessory Dwelling Unit

Answering a growing need in the realm of affordable housing, accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are enjoying increasing favor with state legislatures as well as county and local planning boards.

March 09, 2021

What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit?

The circumstances of life have ways of upending our comfortable routines. Medical emergencies, financial setbacks, legal challenges, family dramas and political reversals -- not to mention fires and floods -- each and all can interrupt our ordered existence with new demands.