September 02, 2019

5 Home Selling Mistakes That You Can Avoid

While you're still just thinking about selling your house, there's time for you to get everything right. Some home selling mistakes are fairly obvious, but you might be setting yourself up for subtler ones that are just as bad. A purple house with orange shutters probably

September 02, 2019

How do Home Equity Loans Work

Your home could generate cash, but not without stipulations. Home equity loans were once a staple method for home owners to access a sizable chunk of cash. But that was then, this is now, and it's not as easy to tap into your home's equity as

September 02, 2019

Is There a Best Time to Refinance Your Home

A low interest rate is tempting, but good timing involves more than that. Does it seem like everyone else knows the best time to refinance and you seem to miss it? Everyone wants a better deal, even if the existing deal isn't too bad to begin with. That&

September 02, 2019

Mortgage Questions Conventional vs FHA Loans

Between conventional and FHA loans, more people can realize the American Dream of home ownership. A conventional loan, or FHA? If you've got mortgage questions, these might be near the top of the list. Conventional is basically what it sounds like. It's the straight-arrow mortgage loan

September 02, 2019

Mortgage Questions Conventional vs VA Loans

For military families, both conventional and VA loans offer something of value. If you're like most buyers, you have mortgage questions. Conventional mortgage loans aren't for everyone, and neither are VA loans. For people with a good military service record and good credit, each option offers

September 02, 2019

New FHA Guidelines Help More Borrowers Buy Their Dream Home

New FHA guidelines make more home owner dreams come true. A low FICO score spells doom for prospective home buyers. Or at least that's the way that it has been. But new FHA guidelines not only relax the standards a bit, they make home loans accessible to people

September 02, 2019

New Forms Take the Mystery Out of Financing a Home

If you've ever bought a home, you know firsthand how confusing the process can sometime seem, especially when it comes time to review your loan paperwork. Sure, the Good Faith estimate (GFE), Truth In Lending document and HUD-1 form that are provided now are supposed to 'clearly&

September 02, 2019

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage

Refinancing a mortgage can enable a homeowner to save money. In some instances, a homeowner might increase a monthly mortgage payment to achieve certain goals. If you want to refinance your home, you can speak with a banker or a mortgage specialist. About Refinance Transactions A refinance transaction will change

September 02, 2019

Surprise, A Home Equity Loan Doesn't Prevent Refinancing

Not only can you refinance with a home equity loan, you might have other options. When you have a home equity loan, you might think that your hands are tied. Friends and family members may take advantage of refinances with lower interest rates, but there you are with not one