December 30, 2022

Inexpensive Updates That Will Add Value to Your Home

You can improve your home value without breaking the bank as there are plenty of inexpensive updates and improvements you can make.

December 27, 2022

Winter Home Inspections

When cold weather and snow arrives, selling and purchasing of homes still continues. Are you in a region of the country where winter brings cold and snow? If so, you'll need to be aware of how the weather can affect your home inspection as there may be a few challenges.

December 23, 2022

The Real Estate Transaction: Part 2 - From the Eyes of the Seller

Earlier this week we explored the real estate transaction from the perspective of the Buyer. We'll now dissect the entire real estate transaction from the perspective of the seller.

December 20, 2022

The Real Estate Transaction: Part 1 - From the Eyes of the Buyer

Whether you are a home buyer or seller, the real estate transaction can sometimes be tricky to navigate. Each step will get you closer to a successful home closing. Part 1 of our next two posts will dissect the real estate transaction from the buyer's perspective.

December 13, 2022

How Important is Your Agent’s Listing Description?

Real estate listing agents didn’t have to do much to sell homes in the past couple years. Homes were selling at record-speed. Now that the real estate market is balancing out and home values aren’t rising as fast as they were the past couple years,

December 09, 2022

What to Consider Before Purchasing a Home

As buying a home is one of the most important investment decisions you will ever make, it is crucial to understand the current real estate market before you dive in.

December 06, 2022

Key Issues That Affect the Real Estate Market

Buying and selling property is a big event for those gaining the asset and for those making money on the deal. Yet it is another day at the office for realtors, lenders, attorneys and title agencies. Still, the way these transactions go down goes well beyond the immediate participants.

December 02, 2022

The Latest Technologies Home Inspectors Use for More Thorough Inspections

While in the process of purchasing a home, you are going to want to have a home inspection performed. It's a security blanket of sorts for you to be sure there aren't safety hazards and major defects in the home.

November 29, 2022

Investing In Affordable Housing - Part 3 - Tenant Relations

In parts one and two of this series on affordable housing, we discovered that landlords could create a lucrative business when opening units up to low-income tenants. We further explored what sort of accountability those property owners assumed with the local housing authority.