October 20, 2020

Small Town Living in or Near the City

As crazy a year as it's been, many are deciding to leave city life behind and head for the surrounding small towns in hopes of finding the perfect life. From a significant difference in home value and space to a slower pace of life, there are pros and cons to small town life that individuals should carefully consider before making a move.

Advantages of home town life include:

  • Friendly Neighbors
  • Great Place to Raise a Family
  • Close to City Attractions & Good Jobs within Commuting Distance
  • Larger Land Lots for Sale
  • Sense of Community
  • Friendly Neighbors
  • Quieter Streets & Increased Privacy

Possible deterrents to small town life:

  • Longer Commutes to Work or Urban Attractions
  • More Yard & Property Upkeep
  • Longer Distance to Stores, Doctors & Other Important Places
  • Some Neighborhoods Have Home Owner's Association Rules

It's about the space

A key determiner in making a financial commitment to buy property in a small town versus a city is to evaluate both the internal and external space differences of properties. The price per square foot of a home in a bustling city such as San Francisco, Los Angeles or Chicago will typically be much higher than a home in a small town on the outskirts. Therefore, the indoor space in the city is typically smaller, the small town typically larger. In general, a home purchased in a smaller town will have a larger outdoor  space than urban homes, apartments, townhouses and condos.

All of that additional space comes with more property owner responsibilities such as increased heating and cooling costs, property care and maintenance upkeep expenses, time commitments and effort requirements.

Cost Differences Associated with Urban Versus Small Town Properties

Take your time to prioritize your reasons for taking flight. Once you do, it is wise to determine all of the cost differences associated with urban properties versus small town properties before making a financial commitment. Cost differences can include utility costs, access of utility hookup expenses - running sewer or water lines to a new home being built can be pricey, property and other taxes, cost of living differences and home owner association fees.

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