Do HOA Dues Make it More Difficult to Sell?
Where some owners take the hit themselves, others benefit from sharing the responsibility with a homeowner's association (HOA). Yet this benefit, also, involves a recurring expenditure.
Where some owners take the hit themselves, others benefit from sharing the responsibility with a homeowner's association (HOA). Yet this benefit, also, involves a recurring expenditure.
When it's time to sell, it's important to understand there is more to a home purchase offer than just price. Sellers want their home values to be high but there are many other components to a purchase offer to consider.
Nowadays, more and more sellers are having a home inspection performed before they list their homes for sale. This can be very advantageous.
Buying your first home is an exciting experience. Your home will be one of your most important investments so proper preperation is key to ensure a smooth and successful experience.
Even those who do not own a home are hip to the fact that buying a house costs more than the home values alone. Even a purchaser who pays all cash must compensate other parties to the transaction.
When most people think of fees and charges relative to a home sale, they are thinking of monies a buyer has to bring to closing. Title fees, lender fees, attorney bills and appraisal charges come to mind immediately.
Allowances are credits the seller advances to the purchaser that are applied against the sales price. This reduces what the buyer must pony up without changing the sales price.
When you're ready to become a homeowner, you'll face many choices and decisions. One of the first will be single family home or condominium. Each type of residential property can accommodate various types of lifestyle.
A home is a big investment. When it's time to sell it, it's important for home sellers to do everything possible to protect their investments so they receive the highest home values they can. There are 5 key steps in preparing a home for sale.