Tag: Buy/Sell

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Buying or selling a home? Navigate your way to a successful transaction with articles, tools, and information on selling or purchasing a home.

September 02, 2019

Love it or Leave it, Deciding Whether to Keep Your Home

It's a complicated question with no single right answer. A mortgage typically lasts a long time, and a lot can change before it's paid in full. So chances are, sooner or later your home won't fit your lifestyle quite right anymore. That's

September 02, 2019

Maybe Your Home Needs a She Shed

Who needs a man cave when you can have a she shed? You've heard about the man cave, but what about a she shed? The man cave is usually tucked away in a basement with leather club chairs, an oversized TV, great stereo system and a fridge for

September 02, 2019

Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Home

A 'For Sale' sign can grow awfully dusty while waiting for potential buyers. Selling your home is an emotional experience. According to the 2014 National Association of Realtors (NAR) survey [http://www.realtor.org/sites/default/files/reports/2014/2014-profile-of-home-buyers-and-sellers-highlights.pdf] , most home owners have lived in their

September 02, 2019

Popular Staging Ideas that Just Don't Work

Staging is an art, and it's not really about decorating. Decorating makes a home look beautiful. But staging is marketing. It's a selling tool designed to showcase your house in its very best and most versatile light so that more buyers will walk in and envision

September 02, 2019

Real Estate Negotiation Tips for Keeping Your Sanity

Negotiation can be the difference between 'for sale' and 'sold.' Real estate negotiation doesn't have to be scary; it's part of selling a house. But because most people don't make their living buying and selling houses, the whole process from

September 02, 2019

Selling Rural Property the Right Way

It's difficult to get drive-by traffic in this neck of the woods. No comps? No neighboring properties at all? No problem! A least not with the right sales approach. Selling rural property isn't as straightforward as it might seem, but you can do a lot more

September 02, 2019

Selling Your Home - Don't Try These Kitchen Trends

Kitchen renovations are expensive, so plan your upgrades carefully. Kitchen upgrades give homeowners one of the best returns on investment, but some ideas are better left on Pinterest. You want your house to look its best when you're ready to list it for sale. And sometimes that means

September 02, 2019

Spring Isn't the Only Time for Good Real Estate Values

Spring is great for photos, but maybe not for selling your home. Real estate values fluctuate for a lot of different reasons, not the least of which is market competition. If you think that homes sell better in summer, you're not alone. Many people do, because so many

September 02, 2019

Summer Home Renovation Ideas

Summer home improvements transform your home from good to great. Summer is the classic time for home renovation projects. The weather is great, and you have more daytime hours to get the work done. And if you plan to list your home for sale, choosing the right projects can boost