Tag: Finance

Total 101 Posts

Gain a clear understanding of all available options for purchasing, investing or refinancing a home. Eppraisal shares insight, tools and resources for securing your best deal.

November 29, 2022

Investing In Affordable Housing - Part 3 - Tenant Relations

In parts one and two of this series on affordable housing, we discovered that landlords could create a lucrative business when opening units up to low-income tenants. We further explored what sort of accountability those property owners assumed with the local housing authority.

November 25, 2022

Investing in Affordable Housing - Part 2 - Accountability to Housing Authority

In the previous installment, readers discovered that there are profits to be realized when investing in properties with affordable housing units. In addition, landlords who do so are providing a service to the community.

November 22, 2022

Investing In Affordable Housing - Part 1 - Profitability

As a rule of thumb, investors in rental properties look for tenants who pay rent consistently and have the pockets to pay decently. This assures steady income and financial security. Yet there is a segment of the population that also represents profitability even though they have few funds to spare.

October 11, 2022

Altering Your Expectations: Part 1

The velocity of change over the last few years -- in the culture, economy and government -- is head-spinning. Inflation is affecting household cash flow; older social values are jettisoned in favor of new ones; and the world seems to be on the brink of geo-political collapse.

August 16, 2022

With High Home Prices and Interest Rates, Are Lenders Getting Creative Again?

Before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, home prices steadily climbed. These increases, combined with a growing but still modest inventory of houses for sale, make for hard times for banks and other mortgage lenders.

June 07, 2022

Mortgage Rates Continue to Move

Many players are involved with a home purchase or refinance. The realtor, of course, comes first to mind followed closely by a home inspector, an appraiser, an attorney, a title agent and a county clerk.

February 18, 2022

Mortgage Rates Are on the Move

Many players are involved with a home purchase or refinance. The realtor, of course, comes first to mind followed closely by a home inspector, an appraiser, an attorney, a title agent and a county clerk.

February 15, 2022

Overcoming the "Cash to Close" Obstacle for First-Time Homebuyers

Purchasing the first house is a watershed moment in the lives of young couples and individuals. Representing the promise of a happy future, the first home has a way of eclipsing all of the expense and headaches that come with ownership.

December 28, 2021

Everything You Need to Know about the Mortgage Approval Process

For a vast majority of property owners, the home loan is the largest extension of credit they will ever pay down. With hundreds of thousands of dollars -- or more -- at stake, it makes sense that lenders take great care to qualify their borrowers before issuing such large disbursements of funds.